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Falcon Sound Effects 1.0
The Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus), alsoknown as the Peregrine,and historically as the "Duck Hawk" in NorthAmerica, is a widespread bird of prey in the family Falconidae. Alarge, crow-sized falcon, it has a blue-gray back, barred whiteunderparts, and a black head and "moustache". Typical ofbird-eating raptors, Peregrine Falcons are sexually dimorphic, withfemales being considerably larger than males, one of the fewvertebrate animal species with larger females. The Peregrine isrenowned for its speed, reaching speeds of over 325 km/h (202 mph)during its characteristic hunting stoop, making it the fastestmember of the animal kingdom.The Peregrine's breeding rangeincludes land regions from the Arctic tundra to the tropics. It canbe found nearly everywhere on Earth, except extreme polar regions,very high mountains, and most tropical rainforests; the only majorice-free landmass from which it is entirely absent is New Zealand.This makes it the world's most widespread bird of prey. Both theEnglish and scientific names of this species mean "wanderingfalcon", referring to the migratory habits of many northernpopulations. Experts recognize 17 to 19 subspecies which vary inappearance and rangeThis soundboard contains only the highest quality sound effectsone can find. Each sound effect is recorded in the highest possiblequality sound available. This soundboard and its sound effects arefor your enjoyment and the enjoyment of your friends and family.This soundboard can be used to scare friends as well and prankthose same people. If you like the sounds effects or thissoundboard be sure to let you friends know, as they will also enjoyit, since your friends and have the same tastes in things.raptor,fast,fly,wandering,hunt,worms,angry,duck,hawk
Coyote Sound Effects 1.0
The coyote also known as the American jackalor the prairie wolf is a species of canine found throughout Northand Central America, ranging from Panama in the south, norththrough Mexico, the United States and CanadaEnjoy 18 Sounds of Coyotes in the Wild. Use it to prank yourfriends or just to play with your pets. These sounds will geteveryone's attention.This soundboard contains only the highest quality sound effectsone can find. Each sound effect is recorded in the highest possiblequality sound available. This soundboard and its sound effects arefor your enjoyment and the enjoyment of your friends and family.This soundboard can be used to scare friends as well and prankthose same people. If you like the sounds effects or thissoundboard be sure to let you friends know, as they will also enjoyit, since your friends and have the same tastes in things.
Pig Sound Effects 1.0
A pig is any of the animals in the genus Sus,within the Suidae family of even-toed ungulates. Pigs include thedomestic pig, its ancestor the wild boar, and several other wildrelatives. Pigs are omnivores and are highly social and intelligentanimals.A typical pig has a large head with a long snout which isstrengthened by a special prenasal bone and by a disk of cartilageat the tip. The snout is used to dig into the soil to find food andis a very acute sense organ. There are four hoofed toes on eachfoot, with the two larger central toes bearing most of the weight,but the outer two also being used in soft ground.This soundboard contains only the highest quality sound effectsone can find. Each sound effect is recorded in the highest possiblequality sound available. This soundboard and its sound effects arefor your enjoyment and the enjoyment of your friends and family.This soundboard can be used to scare friends as well and prankthose same people. If you like the sounds effects or thissoundboard be sure to let you friends know, as they will also enjoyit, since your friends and have the same tastes in things.
Guinea Pig Sound Effects 1.0
The common guinea pig was first domesticatedas early as 5000 BC for food by tribes in the Andean region ofSouth America (present-day the southern part of Colombia, Ecuador,Peru, and Bolivia), some thousands of years after the domesticationof the South American camelids. Statues dating from ca. 500 BC to500 AD that depict guinea pigs have been unearthed inarchaeological digs in Peru and Ecuador. The Moche people ofancient Peru worshipped animals and often depicted the guinea pigin their art. From ca. 1200 AD to the Spanish conquest in 1532,selective breeding resulted in many varieties of domestic guineapigs, which form the basis for some of the modern domestic breeds.They continue to be a food source in the region; many households inthe Andean highlands raise the animal, which subsists off thefamily's vegetable scraps. Folklore traditions involving guineapigs are numerous; they are exchanged as gifts, used in customarysocial and religious ceremonies, and frequently referenced inspoken metaphors. They also play a role in traditional healingrituals by folk doctors, or curanderos, who use the animals todiagnose diseases such as jaundice, rheumatism, arthritis, andtyphus. They are rubbed against the bodies of the sick, and areseen as a supernatural medium. Black guinea pigs are consideredespecially useful for diagnoses. The animal also may be cut openand its entrails examined to determine whether the cure waseffective. These methods are widely accepted in many parts of theAndes, where Western medicine is either unavailable or distrusted.Enjoy 11 Sounds of the Enchanting AnimalThis soundboard contains only the highest quality sound effectsone can find. Each sound effect is recorded in the highest possiblequality sound available. This soundboard and its sound effects arefor your enjoyment and the enjoyment of your friends and family.This soundboard can be used to scare friends as well and prankthose same people. If you like the sounds effects or thissoundboard be sure to let you friends know, as they will also enjoyit, since your friends and have the same tastes in things.
Bat Sound Effects 1.0
There are about 1,100 bat species worldwide,which represent about twenty percent of all classified mammalspecies. About seventy percent of bats are insectivores. Most ofthe rest are frugivores, or fruit eaters. A few species such as theFish-eating Bat feed from animals other than insects, with thevampire bats being the only mammalian parasite species. Bats arepresent throughout most of the world and perform vital ecologicalroles such as pollinating flowers and dispersing fruit seeds. Manytropical plant species depend entirely on bats for the distributionof their seeds.This soundboard contains only the highest quality sound effectsone can find. Each sound effect is recorded in the highest possiblequality sound available. This soundboard and its sound effects arefor your enjoyment and the enjoyment of your friends and family.This soundboard can be used to scare friends as well and prankthose same people. If you like the sounds effects or thissoundboard be sure to let you friends know, as they will also enjoyit, since your friends and have the same tastes in things.Enjoy 10 sounds of this truly amazing creatureflying,web,wings,zoo,fruit,vampire,insects,sounds,board,sfx,prank,fun
Canary Sounds 1.0
The Canary, also called the Island Canary,Atlantic Canary or Common Canary, is a small passerine birdbelonging to the genus Serinus in the finch family, Fringillidae.It is native to the Canary Islands, the Azores, and Madeira. Wildbirds are mostly yellow-green, with brownish streaking on the back.The species is common in captivity and a number of colour varietieshave been bred. Enjoy 12 sounds of incredible birdThis soundboard contains only the highest quality sound effectsone can find. Each sound effect is recorded in the highest possiblequality sound available. This soundboard and its sound effects arefor your enjoyment and the enjoyment of your friends and family.This soundboard can be used to scare friends as well and prankthose same people. If you like the sounds effects or thissoundboard be sure to let you friends know, as they will also enjoyit, since your friends and have the same tastes
Cricket Sound Effects 1.0
Crickets' contains 10 different sound bits foryour enjoyment.Annoy your friends with the sounds of bugs, use it at work, in thecar wherever you want.This soundboard contains only the highest quality sound effectsone can find. Each sound effect is recorded in the highest possiblequality sound available. This soundboard and its sound effects arefor your enjoyment and the enjoyment of your friends and family.This soundboard can be used to scare friends as well and prankthose same people. If you like the sounds effects or thissoundboard be sure to let you friends know, as they will also enjoyit, since your friends and have the same tastes in things.SoundBoards,soundBoard,Fun,Joke,Prank,fx,sfx,bugs,cricket,crickets,bug,comedy
Rhino Sound Effects 1.0
Rhinoceros also known as rhino, is a group offive extant species of odd-toed ungulates in the familyRhinocerotidae. Two of these species are native to Africa and threeto southern Asia.The rhinoceros family is characterized by itslarge size (one of the largest remaining megafauna), with all ofthe species able to reach one tonne or more in weight; anherbivorous diet; a thick protective skin, 1.5–5 cm thick, formedfrom layers of collagen positioned in a lattice structure;relatively small brains for mammals this size (400–600 g); and alarge horn. They generally eat leafy material, although theirability to ferment food in their hindgut allows them to subsist onmore fibrous plant matter, if necessary. Unlike otherperissodactyls, the African species of rhinoceros lack teeth at thefront of their mouths, relying instead on their powerful premolarand molar teeth to grind up plant food. Rhinoceros are killed byhumans for their horns, which are bought and sold on the blackmarket, and which are used by some cultures for ornamental or(largely pseudo-scientific) medicinal purposes. The horns are madeof keratin, the same type of protein that makes up hair andfingernails. Both African species and the Sumatran Rhinoceros havetwo horns, while the Indian and Javan Rhinoceros have a singlehorn.This soundboard contains only the highest quality sound effectsone can find. Each sound effect is recorded in the highest possiblequality sound available. This soundboard and its sound effects arefor your enjoyment and the enjoyment of your friends and family.This soundboard can be used to scare friends as well and prankthose same people. If you like the sounds effects or thissoundboard be sure to let you friends know, as they will also enjoyit, since your friends and have the same tastes in things.zoo,animal,hunted,charge,horn,sound,board,prank,wild,tree,forest,woods
Cardinal Bird Sound Effects 1.0
The Cardinals or Cardinalidae are a family ofpasserine birds found in North and South America. These are robust,seed-eating birds, with strong bills. They are typically associatedwith open woodland. The sexes usually have distinctiveappearances.Enjoy 15 sounds from the cardinal in the wild.This soundboard contains only the highest quality sound effectsone can find. Each sound effect is recorded in the highest possiblequality sound available. This soundboard and its sound effects arefor your enjoyment and the enjoyment of your friends and family.This soundboard can be used to scare friends as well and prankthose same people. If you like the sounds effects or thissoundboard be sure to let you friends know, as they will also enjoyit, since your friends and have the same tastes in things.mlb, BIrd, Birds, cardinal, wood, watching, seed, fly, flying,eggs, feathers, america, sound, board, watcher,
Nightingale Bird Sound Effects 1.0
The Nightingale (Luscinia megarhynchos), alsoknown as Rufous and Common Nightingale, is a small passerine birdthat was formerly classed as a member of the thrush familyTurdidae, but is now more generally considered to be an Old Worldflycatcher, Muscicapidae. It belongs to a group of more terrestrialspecies, often called chats.Enjoy 13 sounds of nature, trick you cat or just listen to thesong bird in actionThis soundboard contains only the highest quality sound effectsone can find. Each sound effect is recorded in the highest possiblequality sound available. This soundboard and its sound effects arefor your enjoyment and the enjoyment of your friends and family.This soundboard can be used to scare friends as well and prankthose same people. If you like the sounds effects or thissoundboard be sure to let you friends know, as they will also enjoyit, since your friends and have the same tastes in things.
Rooster Soundboard Effects 1.0
A rooster, also known as a cockerel, or a cockis a male chicken with the female being called a hen. Immature malechickens of less than a year's age are called cockerels. The oldestterm is "cock," from Old English coc. The term "rooster" originatesfrom the United States, while in the United Kingdom and Ireland theolder term "cockerel" is more widely used. In North America,Australia and New Zealand "rooster" (a relative neologism) isalmost always used, occasionally cockerel. "Cock" is in general useas the name for a male of other species of bird, for example "Cocksparrow." "Roosting" is the action of perching aloft to sleep atnight, and is done by both sexes. The rooster is polygamous, butcannot guard several nests of eggs at once. He guards the generalarea where his hens are nesting, and will attack other roostersthat enter his territory. During the daytime, he often sits on ahigh perch, usually 4–5 feet off the ground to serve as a lookoutfor his flock. He will sound a distinctive alarm call if predatorsare nearby. Enjoy 14 great recorded soundsThis soundboard contains only the highest quality sound effectsone can find. Each sound effect is recorded in the highest possiblequality sound available. This soundboard and its sound effects arefor your enjoyment and the enjoyment of your friends and family.This soundboard can be used to scare friends as well and prankthose same people. If you like the sounds effects or thissoundboard be sure to let you friends know, as they will also enjoyit, since your friends and have the same tastes in things.Cock,farm,wake,up,board,morning,good,sun,rise,fun,prank
Halloween Sound Effects 1.0
Evil Laugher Pocketboard gives you 18 soundsfrom different sources all over. Check it out and scare yourfriends. Great for HalloweenThis soundboard contains only the highest quality sound effectsone can find. Each sound effect is recorded in the highest possiblequality sound available. This soundboard and its sound effects arefor your enjoyment and the enjoyment of your friends and family.This soundboard can be used to scare friends as well and prankthose same people. If you like the sounds effects or thissoundboard be sure to let you friends know, as they will also enjoyit, since your friends and have the same tastes in things.
Frog Sound Effects 1.0
Most frogs are characterized by a short body, webbeddigits,protruding eyes and the absence of a tail. Frogs are widelyknownas exceptional jumpers, and many of the anatomicalcharacteristicsof frogs, particularly their long, powerful legs,are adaptationsto improve jumping performance. Due to theirpermeable skin, frogsare often semi-aquatic or inhabit humid areas,but move easily onland. They typically lay their eggs in puddles,ponds or lakes, andtheir larvae, called tadpoles, have gills anddevelop in water.Adult frogs follow a carnivorous diet, mostly ofarthropods,annelids and gastropods. Frogs are most noticeable bytheir call,which can be widely heard during the night or day,mainly in theirmating season. Enjoy 13 high Quality Sounds ofFrogs.This soundboard contains only the highest quality soundeffectsone can find. Each sound effect is recorded in the highestpossiblequality sound available. This soundboard and its soundeffects arefor your enjoyment and the enjoyment of your friends andfamily.This soundboard can be used to scare friends as well andprankthose same people. If you like the sounds effects orthissoundboard be sure to let you friends know, as they will alsoenjoyit, since your friends and have the same tastes in things.KeywordsSwamp,river,stream,water,pond,warts,webbed,flies,gills,land,eggs,food
Rattlesnake Sound Effects 1.0
***13 Amazing Sounds***Rattlesnakes are predators who live in a wide array of habitats,hunting small animals such as birds and rodents. They kill theirprey with a venomous bite, rather than by constricting. Allrattlesnakes possess a set of fangs with which they inject largequantities of hemotoxic venom. The venom travels through thebloodstream, destroying tissue and causing swelling, internalbleeding, and intense pain. Some species, such as the MojaveRattlesnake, additionally possess a neurotoxic component in theirvenom that causes paralysis and other nervous symptoms.The threat of envenomation, advertised with the shaking of therattle, deters many predators. However, rattlesnakes fall prey tohawks, weasels, king snakes, and a variety of other species.Rattlesnakes are heavily preyed upon as neonates, while they arestill weak and mentally immature. Very large numbers ofrattlesnakes are killed by humans. Rattlesnake populations in manyareas are severely threatened by habitat destruction, poaching, andextermination campaigns.Rattlesnake bites are the leading cause of snakebite injuries inNorth America, and cause approximately 82% of fatalities. However,rattlesnakes rarely bite unless provoked or threatened; and iftreated promptly, the bites are rarely fatal.This soundboard contains only the highest quality sound effectsone can find. Each sound effect is recorded in the highest possiblequality sound available. This soundboard and its sound effects arefor your enjoyment and the enjoyment of your friends and family.This soundboard can be used to scare friends as well and prankthose same people. If you like the sounds effects or thissoundboard be sure to let you friends know, as they will also enjoyit, since your friends and have the same tastes in things.Sound,Board,predator,fangs,bites,dead,fatal,rattle,attack,hunt
Horse Sound Effects 1.0
The horse is a hooved mammal, a subspecies ofthe family Equidae. The horse has evolved over the past 45 to 55million years from a small multi-toed creature into the large,single-toed animal of today. Humans began to domesticate horsesaround 4000 BC, and their domestication is believed to have beenwidespread by 3000 BC. Although most horses today are domesticated,there are still endangered populations of the Przewalski's Horse,the only remaining true wild horse, as well as more commonpopulations of feral horses which live in the wild but aredescended from domesticated ancestors. There is an extensive,specialized vocabulary used to describe equine-related concepts,covering everything from anatomy to life stages, size, colors,markings, breeds, locomotion, and behaviour.Enjoy 12 sounds of the horse. If your a horse lover you enjoythese great soundsThis soundboard contains only the highest quality sound effectsone can find. Each sound effect is recorded in the highest possiblequality sound available. This soundboard and its sound effects arefor your enjoyment and the enjoyment of your friends and family.This soundboard can be used to scare friends as well and prankthose same people. If you like the sounds effects or thissoundboard be sure to let you friends know, as they will also enjoyit, since your friends and have the same tastes in things.
Mouse In Your Pocket Sounds 1.0
Enjoy teasing your cat or loved one with thisterrific soundboard. With 10 sounds your sure to scary or amusepeople with the sounds of mice. Now you will truly have a mouse inyour pocket. Give it a try todayThis soundboard contains only the highest quality sound effectsone can find. Each sound effect is recorded in the highest possiblequality sound available. This soundboard and its sound effects arefor your enjoyment and the enjoyment of your friends and family.This soundboard can be used to scare friends as well and prankthose same people. If you like the sounds effects or thissoundboard be sure to let you friends know, as they will also enjoyit, since your friends and have the same tastes in things.KW: Mice, Mouse, Rat, Trap, Cat, Kids, Cheese, Birds, Pests,field, board, sound, effect, joke, gag, tease
Ultimate Mega Sounds Board
Mega Button Ultimate Board gives you OVER 1100individual SOUNDS BUTTONS that let off AMAZING SOUNDEFFECTS!

There's nothing more satisfying than pressing a buttonand hearing a COOL, FUN, and AMAZING SOUNDS. Mega Button UltimateBoard let's you do this over and over and over!Over 1100 sounds for your enjoyment on you mobile device. WithMega Button Sound Board you have the power to call fun wild soundsat will. All Sounds are High Quality recording and cleaned furtherto remove unwanted noise. Great for Pranks and just good oldfashion fun with friends and family.**78 Different Types of Sounds****Woodpeckers****Volcanos****Tigers****Sheep****Sea Lions andSeals****Waterfalls****Sonar****Robins****Raccoon****Falcon****Moose****Llama****KillerWhales****Horses****Hippos****HeartBeats****Geese****Fox****Coyotes****Cougars andPumas****T-Rex****Turkeys****Trains****Seagulls****SeaOtters****Rooster****Rhinos****Rattlesnake****Rainforest****PolarBears****Pigs****Pandas****Nightingales****Locust****Lions****LaughTracks****Lambs****Jungle****Guinea Pigs****Goats****Frogs****EvilLaughter****Epic Fail****Elephants****Donkey****CuckooBird****Crickets****Circus****Chipmunks****Chimpanzee****Casino****Cardinals****CanaryBirds****Bunnies****Buffalo****Bobcats****Blue Jays****Thunder andlightning****Penguins****Mice andRats****Mosquito****Ducks****Dolphins****BarkingDogs****Deer****Cows****Comedy****Chickens****Bowling****BelugaWhales****Bears****Bats****Bathroom****Bald Eagles****BabyChickens****Baby****Alligators****Emergency Sounds** SoundBoardSound Board free hot top exciting new sounds, Best, bang,money,worth,yelp,google,sfx,prank
Dolphin Sound Effects 1.0
Dolphins are marine mammals that are closelyrelated to whales and porpoises. There are almost forty species ofdolphin in seventeen genera. They vary in size from 1.2 m (4 ft)and 40 kg (90 lb) , up to 9.5 m (30 ft) and 10 tonnes (the orca orkiller whale). They are found worldwide, mostly in the shallowerseas of the continental shelves, and are carnivores, mostly eatingfish and squid. The family Delphinidae is the largest in theCetacean order, and evolved relatively recently, about ten millionyears ago, during the Miocene. Dolphins are among the mostintelligent animals, and their often friendly appearance andseemingly playful attitude have made them popular in human culture.Enjoy 13 high quality sounds recordings for your enjoymentThis soundboard contains only the highest quality sound effectsone can find. Each sound effect is recorded in the highest possiblequality sound available. This soundboard and its sound effects arefor your enjoyment and the enjoyment of your friends and family.This soundboard can be used to scare friends as well and prankthose same people. If you like the sounds effects or thissoundboard be sure to let you friends know, as they will also enjoyit, since your friends and have the same tastes in things.
Llamas alpacas Sound Effects 1.0
The llama (Lama glama) is a South Americancamelid, widely used as a pack and meat animal by Andean culturessince pre-hispanic times. Llamas appear to have originated from thecentral plains of North America about 40 million years ago. Theymigrated to South America about 3 million years ago. By the end ofthe last ice age (10,000–12,000 years ago) camelids were extinct inNorth America. As of 2007, there were over 7 million llamas andalpacas in South America and, due to importation from South Americain the late 20th century, there are now over 158,000 llamas and100,000 alpacas in the US and CanadaThis soundboard contains only the highest quality sound effectsone can find. Each sound effect is recorded in the highest possiblequality sound available. This soundboard and its sound effects arefor your enjoyment and the enjoyment of your friends and family.This soundboard can be used to scare friends as well and prankthose same people. If you like the sounds effects or thissoundboard be sure to let you friends know, as they will also enjoyit, since your friends and have the same tastes in things.farm,farming,coat,fur,meat,burger,food,sound,US,Canada
Emergency Sound Effects 1.0
Fire engine red is an intense, bright redcommonly used on emergency vehicles in the United States; mostlyon, as the name implies, fire engines.Most traditional older fire departments in larger U.S. centralcities of major metropolitan areas use this color for their fireengines, but many smaller cities and also many suburbs now use thecolor chartreuse yellow for their fire engines because of itssupposed greater visibility at night. Some departments have a mixof both.An ambulance is a vehicle for transportation of sick or injuredpeople to, from or between places of treatment for an illness orinjury, and in some instances will also provide out of hospitalmedical care to the patient. The word is often associated with roadgoing emergency ambulances which form part of an emergency medicalservice, administering emergency care to those with acute medicalproblems.The term ambulance does however extend to a wider range of vehiclesother than those with flashing warning lights and sirens, includinga large number of non-urgent ambulances which are for transport ofpatients without an urgent acute condition and a wide range ofvehicles including trucks, vans, bicycles, motorbikes, stationwagons, buses, helicopters, fixed-wing aircraft, boats, and evenhospital ships.Enjoy 15 great sounds of Emergency VehiclesThis soundboard contains only the highest quality sound effectsone can find. Each sound effect is recorded in the highest possiblequality sound available. This soundboard and its sound effects arefor your enjoyment and the enjoyment of your friends and family.This soundboard can be used to scare friends as well and prankthose same people. If you like the sounds effects or thissoundboard be sure to let you friends know, as they will also enjoyit, since your friends and have the same tastes in things.help, heart, death, department, doctor, hospital, engine,patient, helicopters, sick, injury,
Bowling Alley Sound Effects 1.0
Bowling is a sport in which players attempt to score pointsbyrolling a bowling ball along a flat surface, usually a woodenorsynthetic surface, either into pins or to get close to atargetball. There are many forms of bowling: with one of the mostrecentbeing ten-pin bowling also known as the norm. The earliestmostprimitive forms of bowling can be dated back to ancient Egypt.Thefirst standardized rules were established in New York City,onSeptember 9, 1895. Today, bowling is enjoyed by 95 millionpeoplein more than ninety countries worldwide and continues togrowthrough entertainment media such as video games for homeconsolesand hand held devices. Enjoy 10 sounds of the worldwidegameThis soundboard contains only the highest quality soundeffectsone can find. Each sound effect is recorded in the highestpossiblequality sound available. This soundboard and its soundeffects arefor your enjoyment and the enjoyment of your friends andfamily.This soundboard can be used to scare friends as well andprankthose same people. If you like the sounds effects orthissoundboard be sure to let you friends know, as they will alsoenjoyit, since your friends and have the same tastes in things.Pin,Ball,Strike,spare,foul,bumper,bar,board,sfx,prank,entertain,lane,wood
Fox Sound Effects 1.0
Enjoy 17 sounds of one natures of naturesgreat animals. Amuse your pets and friends with these sounds. Eachsound is recorded clearly and allows you to have the power tocreate the same sounds a fox would in the wild. Give it a try yoursure to enjoy itThis soundboard contains only the highest quality sound effectsone can find. Each sound effect is recorded in the highest possiblequality sound available. This soundboard and its sound effects arefor your enjoyment and the enjoyment of your friends and family.This soundboard can be used to scare friends as well and prankthose same people. If you like the sounds effects or thissoundboard be sure to let you friends know, as they will also enjoyit, since your friends and have the same tastes in things.Animal,wood,park,joke,gag,trick,noise,effect,toy,play,sound,nature,wild
Alligators -Sounds 1.0
Alligator is a crocodilian of the genusAlligator of the family Alligatoridae. There are two preservedalligator species: the American alligator (Alligatormississippiensis) and the Chinese alligator (Alligator sinensis).Enjoy 20 different sounds of this amazing creature. Mess with yourfriends or play with your pet. Alligator is always a fun moment'snoticeThis soundboard contains only the highest quality sound effectsone can find. Each sound effect is recorded in the highest possiblequality sound available. This soundboard and its sound effects arefor your enjoyment and the enjoyment of your friends and family.This soundboard can be used to scare friends as well and prankthose same people. If you like the sounds effects or thissoundboard be sure to let you friends know, as they will also enjoyit, since your friends and have the same tastes in things.Enjoy these amazing sound effects for this soundboard
Train Sound Effects 1.0
*** 18 High Quality Sounds ****A train is a connected series of vehicles for rail transport thatmove along a track to transport cargo or passengers from one placeto another. The track usually consists of two rails, but might alsobe a monorail or maglev guideway.Propulsion for the train isprovided by a separate locomotive, or from individual motors inself-propelled multiple units. Most modern trains are powered bydiesel locomotives or by electricity supplied by overhead wires oradditional rails, although historically (from the early 19thcentury to the mid-20th century) the steam locomotive was thedominant form of locomotive power. Enjoy 18 sounds of this greatpiece of engineeringThis soundboard contains only the highest quality sound effectsone can find. Each sound effect is recorded in the highest possiblequality sound available. This soundboard and its sound effects arefor your enjoyment and the enjoyment of your friends and family.This soundboard can be used to scare friends as well and prankthose same people. If you like the sounds effects or thissoundboard be sure to let you friends know, as they will also enjoyit, since your friends and have the same tastes in things.
Car Horns Sound Effects 1.0
Automobile horns are usually electric, drivenby a flat circular steel diaphragm that has an electromagnet actingupon it and is attached to a contactor that repeatedly interruptsthe current to the electromagnet. This arrangement works like abuzzer or electric bell and is commonly known as "sounding" or"honking" one's horn. There is usually a screw to adjust thedistance/tension of the electrical contacts for best operation. Aspiral exponential horn shape (sometimes called the "snail") iscast into the body of the horn, to better match the acousticalimpedance of the diaphragm with open air, and thus more effectivelytransfer the sound energy. Enjoy 18 Car Horns good for any useThis soundboard contains only the highest quality sound effectsone can find. Each sound effect is recorded in the highest possiblequality sound available. This soundboard and its sound effects arefor your enjoyment and the enjoyment of your friends and family.This soundboard can be used to scare friends as well and prankthose same people. If you like the sounds effects or thissoundboard be sure to let you friends know, as they will also enjoyit, since your friends and have the same tastes in things.Auto,Trucks,Boats,Sound,Honk,Accident,bike,board,fun,prank,scary
Sonar - Oceans and War 1.0
******Enjoy 14 sounds of this amazingtechnology********* Sonar (originally an acronym for SOundNavigation And Ranging) is a technique that uses sound propagation(usually underwater, as in Submarine navigation) to navigate,communicate with or detect other vessels. . Sonar may be used as ameans of acoustic location and of measurement of the echocharacteristics of "targets" in the water. Acoustic location in airwas used before the introduction of radar. The term sonar is alsoused for the equipment used to generate and receive the sound. Theacoustic frequencies used in sonar systems vary from very low(infrasonic) to extremely high (ultrasonic). The study ofunderwater sound is known as underwater acoustics orhydroacoustics. Enjoy 14 sounds of this amazing technologyboat,sub,navy,water,radar,military,navigation,board,routing,sailing
Bunny Sound Effects 1.0
Rabbits are small mammals in the familyLeporidae of the order Lagomorpha, found in several parts of theworld. There are seven different genera in the family classified asrabbits, including the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus),cottontail rabbits (genus Sylvilagus; 13 species), and the Amamirabbit (Pentalagus furnessi, an endangered species on Amami Ōshima,Japan). There are many other species of rabbit, and these, alongwith pikas and hares, make up the order Lagomorpha.This soundboard contains only the highest quality sound effects onecan find. Each sound effect is recorded in the highest possiblequality sound available. This soundboard and its sound effects arefor your enjoyment and the enjoyment of your friends and family.This soundboard can be used to scare friends as well and prankthose same people. If you like the sounds effects or thissoundboard be sure to let you friends know, as they will also enjoyit, since your friends and have the same tastes in things.Bunny, bunnies, carrots, veggies, fruit, food, love, hop,animal, zoo, vegetables, sound, effect, prank, fluff,luck,lucky
Beluga Whale Sound Effects 1.0
The beluga or white whale, Delphinapterus leucas, is an Arcticandsub-Arctic species of cetacean. It is one of two members ofthefamily Monodontidae, along with the narwhal. This marine mammaliscommonly referred to simply as the beluga or sea canary due toitshigh-pitched twitter. It is up to 5 m (16 ft) in length andanunmistakable all-white color with a distinctive protuberance onthehead. From a conservation perspective, the beluga isconsidered"near threatened" by the International Union forConservation ofNature; however the subpopulation from the CookInlet in Alaska isconsidered critically endangered and is under theprotection of theUnited States' Endangered Species Act. Of sevenCanadian belugapopulations, two are listed as endangered,inhabiting easternHudson Bay, and Ungava Bay. Enjoy 9 sounds ofthis amazing whaleThis soundboard contains only the highest quality sound effectsonecan find. Each sound effect is recorded in the highestpossiblequality sound available. This soundboard and its soundeffects arefor your enjoyment and the enjoyment of your friends andfamily.This soundboard can be used to scare friends as well andprankthose same people. If you like the sounds effects orthissoundboard be sure to let you friends know, as they will alsoenjoyit, since your friends and have the same tastes in things.white,canada,unitedstates,endangered,bay,hudson,sea,cold,arctic
Epic Fail Sound Effects 1.0
Have you ever tried to open your fridge, butwere proximately outwitted? Was your attempt miscarried, andculminated in bitter, gelid, food-related pain? Oh well, my friend,I hope you understand my motivation when I say:EPIC FAIL!Hahaha! The lamp fell on your fackin' head, lololol! You shouldhave seen your face! If it wasn't covered in blood you soo wouldhave been gawping for, like, hours! Hahahaha! Oh, that was justawesome! I love it! I love you! *cough*This soundboard contains only the highest quality sound effectsone can find. Each sound effect is recorded in the highest possiblequality sound available. This soundboard and its sound effects arefor your enjoyment and the enjoyment of your friends and family.This soundboard can be used to scare friends as well and prankthose same people. If you like the sounds effects or thissoundboard be sure to let you friends know, as they will also enjoyit, since your friends and have the same tastes in things.Enjoy 10 sounds for Stupid People
Bobcat Sound Effects 1.0
The Bobcat (Lynx rufus) is a North Americanmammal of the cat family, Felidae. With twelve recognizedsubspecies, it ranges from southern Canada to northern Mexico,including most of the continental United StatesThis soundboard contains sounds of real animals in the wild.Check it out you won't be disappointed.Great for pulling pranks on people who get scared easilyThis soundboard contains only the highest quality sound effectsone can find.  Each sound effect is recorded in the highestpossible quality sound available.  This soundboard and itssound effects are for your enjoyment and the enjoyment of yourfriends and family.  This soundboard can be used to scarefriends as well and prank those same people.  If you like thesounds effects or this soundboard be sure to let you friends know,as they will also enjoy it, since your friends and have the sametastes in things. wild, hunting, animal, board, trick, joke, hiking, angry, growl,love, fear, Cat, camping, track, coyote, US, canada,
Chicken Sound Effects 1.0
Enjoy the sound of a Chicken s? Have a friendthat is afraid of doing something? If you answered yes to any ofthe questions then you need to download this app.** Contains 10 different chicken sounds for your enjoyment ****** Great for kids/adult who are afraid of doing something***This soundboard contains only the highest quality sound effectsone can find.  Each sound effect is recorded in the highestpossible quality sound available.  This soundboard and itssound effects are for your enjoyment and the enjoyment of yourfriends and family.  This soundboard can be used to scarefriends as well and prank those same people.  If you like thesounds effects or this soundboard be sure to let you friends know,as they will also enjoy it, since your friends and have the sametastes in things. Chicken, egg, animal, board, trick, joke, cluck, kids, children,play, mad, angry, train, love, adult, bird,
Locust Bug Sound Effects 1.0
Locusts are the swarming phase of short-hornedgrasshoppers of the family Acrididae. These are species that canbreed rapidly under suitable conditions and subsequently becomegregarious and migratory. They form bands as nymphs and swarms asadults—both of which can travel great distances, rapidly strippingfields and greatly damaging crops.The origin and apparent extinction of certain species of locust –some of which reached 6 inches (150 mm) in length – are unclear.Locusts are an edible insect and are considered a delicacy in somecountries and in history. Enjoy 10 High Quality SoundsThis soundboard contains only the highest quality sound effectsone can find. Each sound effect is recorded in the highest possiblequality sound available. This soundboard and its sound effects arefor your enjoyment and the enjoyment of your friends and family.This soundboard can be used to scare friends as well and prankthose same people. If you like the sounds effects or thissoundboard be sure to let you friends know, as they will also enjoyit, since your friends and have the same tastes in things.bug,night,chirp,grass,hopper,crops,farms,damage,sounds,board
Cow Sound Effects 1.0
Cattle are the most common type of largedomesticated ungulates. They are a prominent modern member of thesubfamily Bovinae, are the most widespread species of the genusBos, and are most commonly classified collectively as Bosprimigenius. Cattle are raised as livestock for meat (beef andveal), as dairy animals for milk and other dairy products, and asdraft animals. Other products include leather and dung for manureor fuel. In some countries, such as India, cattle are sacred. It isestimated that there are 1.3 billion cattle in the world today. In2009, cattle became the first livestock animal to have its genomemapped. Enjoy 11 sounds of the cow.This soundboard contains only the highest quality sound effectsone can find. Each sound effect is recorded in the highest possiblequality sound available. This soundboard and its sound effects arefor your enjoyment and the enjoyment of your friends and family.This soundboard can be used to scare friends as well and prankthose same people. If you like the sounds effects or thissoundboard be sure to let you friends know, as they will also enjoyit, since your friends and have the same tastes in things.dairy, Farm, Milk, Steak, Cheese, Grass, Mooo, black, white,meat, livestock, barn, sound, effect, animal, cattle,sound, board,cow, sfx, free, hunt,meal,weight loss,
Goat Sound Effects 1.0
The domestic goat (Capra aegagrus hircus) is asubspecies of goat domesticated from the wild goat of southwestAsia and Eastern Europe. The goat is a member of the Bovidae familyand is closely related to the sheep as both are in thegoat-antelope subfamily Caprinae. There are over three hundreddistinct breeds of goat.Goats are one of the oldest domesticated species. Goats have beenused for their milk, meat, hair, and skins over much of the world.In the twentieth century they also gained in popularity aspets.Female goats are referred to as does or nannies, intact males asbucks or billies; their offspring are kids. Note that many goatbreeders prefer the terms "buck" and "doe" to "billy" and "nanny".Castrated males are wethers. Goat meat from younger animals iscalled kid or cabrito, and from older animals is sometimes calledchevon, or in some areas “mutton”.This soundboard contains only the highest quality sound effectsone can find. Each sound effect is recorded in the highest possiblequality sound available. This soundboard and its sound effects arefor your enjoyment and the enjoyment of your friends and family.This soundboard can be used to scare friends as well and prankthose same people. If you like the sounds effects or thissoundboard be sure to let you friends know, as they will also enjoyit, since your friends and have the same tastes in things.
Chimp Sound Effects 1.0
Chimpanzee, sometimes colloquially chimp, isthe common name for the two extant species of ape in the genus Pan.The Congo River forms the boundary between the native habitat ofthe two species. Chimpanzees are members of the Hominidae family,along with gorillas, humans, and orangutans. Chimpanzees split fromhuman evolution about 6 million years ago and the two chimpanzeespecies are the closest living relatives to human. Enjoy 18 soundsof humans closest relative. Download this App and let your innerchimp out.This soundboard contains only the highest quality sound effectsone can find. Each sound effect is recorded in the highest possiblequality sound available. This soundboard and its sound effects arefor your enjoyment and the enjoyment of your friends and family.This soundboard can be used to scare friends as well and prankthose same people. If you like the sounds effects or thissoundboard be sure to let you friends know, as they will also enjoyit, since your friends and have the same tastes in things.Ape, Monkey, Zoo, Tree, Swing, Human, chimpanzee, Sounds,effect, bananas, asia, china, king, kong,
Killer Whale Sound Effects 1.0
The killer whale, commonly referred to as theorca, and less commonly as the blackfish, is a toothed whalebelonging to the oceanic dolphin family. Killer whales are found inall oceans, from the frigid Arctic and Antarctic regions totropical seas. Killer whales as a species have a diverse diet,although individual populations often specialize in particulartypes of prey. Some feed exclusively on fish, while others huntmarine mammals such as sea lions, seals, walruses and even largewhales. Killer whales are regarded as apex predators, lackingnatural predators and preying on even large sharks.Killer whales are highly social; some populations are composed ofmatrilineal family groups which are the most stable of any animalspecies. Their sophisticated hunting techniques and vocalbehaviors, which are often specific to a particular group andpassed across generations, have been described as manifestations ofculture. Enjoy 9 Premium Sounds of the Oceans Greatest WhaleThis soundboard contains only the highest quality sound effectsone can find.  Each sound effect is recorded in the highestpossible quality sound available.  This soundboard and itssound effects are for your enjoyment and the enjoyment of yourfriends and family.  This soundboard can be used to scarefriends as well and prank those same people.  If you like thesounds effects or this soundboard be sure to let you friends know,as they will also enjoy it, since your friends and have the sametastes in things. fish, dolphin, artic, tropical, diet, sea, lions, zoo, world,sharks, social, sound, sfx, board, fun, prank,
Chipmunk Sound Effect 1.0
Chipmunks are small striped squirrels nativeto North America and Asia. They are the small animals you alwayssee running on the ground from tree to tree, or under your deck.Enjoy 8 sounds of this little creature, to amuse your cats at home,or just to mess with people. Have your own real Alvin in yourpocket.This soundboard contains only the highest quality sound effectsone can find. Each sound effect is recorded in the highest possiblequality sound available. This soundboard and its sound effects arefor your enjoyment and the enjoyment of your friends and family.This soundboard can be used to scare friends as well and prankthose same people. If you like the sounds effects or thissoundboard be sure to let you friends know, as they will also enjoyit, since your friends and have the same tastes in things.Woods, Nature, Alvin, small, fast, sound, nuts, fruit, eggs,tree, brush, deck, animal, asia, america, north,
Giant Panda Sound Effects 1.0
The giant panda, or panda literally meaning"black and white cat-foot" is a bear native to central-western andsouth western China. It is easily recognized by its large,distinctive black patches around the eyes, over the ears, andacross its round body. Though it belongs to the order Carnivora,the panda's diet is 99% bamboo. Pandas in the wild willoccasionally eat other grasses, wild tubers, or even meat in theform of birds, rodents or carrion. In captivity they may receivehoney, eggs, fish, yams, shrub leaves, oranges, or bananas alongwith specially prepared feed.The giant panda lives in a few mountain ranges in central China,mainly in Sichuan province, but also in the Shaanxi and Gansuprovinces. Due to farming, deforestation and other development, thepanda has been driven out of the lowland areas where it once lived.Enjoy 10 Sound clips of this truly amazing animalThis soundboard contains only the highest quality sound effectsone can find. Each sound effect is recorded in the highest possiblequality sound available. This soundboard and its sound effects arefor your enjoyment and the enjoyment of your friends and family.This soundboard can be used to scare friends as well and prankthose same people. If you like the sounds effects or thissoundboard be sure to let you friends know, as they will also enjoyit, since your friends and have the same tastes in things.
Circus Sound Effects 1.0
A circus is commonly a travelling company ofperformers that may include acrobats, clowns, trained animals,trapeze acts, musicians, hoopers, tightrope walkers, jugglers,unicyclists and other stunt-oriented artists. The word alsodescribes the performance that they give, which is usually a seriesof acts that are choreographed to music and introduced by a"ringmaster". The traditional circus is held in an oval or circulararena called a ring, which has tiered seating around its edge. Inthe case of travelling circuses, this location is often a largetent which is nicknamed the "big top". Enjoy 14 get sounds of theCircusThis soundboard contains only the highest quality sound effectsone can find.  Each sound effect is recorded in the highestpossible quality sound available.  This soundboard and itssound effects are for your enjoyment and the enjoyment of yourfriends and family.  This soundboard can be used to scarefriends as well and prank those same people.  If you like thesounds effects or this soundboard be sure to let you friends know,as they will also enjoy it, since your friends and have the sametastes in things. Cirque duSoleil,tent,elephant,tricks,stunt,fun,clowns,traveling,cage,fire,big,top,ring
Sheep - Farm Sound Effects 1.0
*** 15 High Quality Sounds**** Sheep (Ovisaries) are quadrupedal, ruminant mammals typically kept aslivestock. Like all ruminants, sheep are members of the orderArtiodactyla, the even-toed ungulates. Although the name "sheep"applies to many species in the genus Ovis, in everyday usage italmost always refers to Ovis aries. Numbering a little over onebillion, domestic sheep are also the most numerous species ofsheep. Enjoy 15 sounds of this great farm animal that everyonelovesThis soundboard contains only the highest quality sound effectsone can find. Each sound effect is recorded in the highest possiblequality sound available. This soundboard and its sound effects arefor your enjoyment and the enjoyment of your friends and family.This soundboard can be used to scare friends as well and prankthose same people. If you like the sounds effects or thissoundboard be sure to let you friends know, as they will also enjoyit, since your friends and have the same tastes in things.Petting,zoo,lamb,coat,fur,sound,sounds,boards,livestock,mammal
Geese Sound Effects 1.0
The word goose (plural: geese) is the Englishname for a considerable number of birds, belonging to the familyAnatidae. This family also includes swans, most of which are largerthan true geese, and ducks, which are smaller. Enjoy 16 GreatSounds of this Interesting BirdThis soundboard contains only the highest quality sound effectsone can find. Each sound effect is recorded in the highest possiblequality sound available. This soundboard and its sound effects arefor your enjoyment and the enjoyment of your friends and family.This soundboard can be used to scare friends as well and prankthose same people. If you like the sounds effects or thissoundboard be sure to let you friends know, as they will also enjoyit, since your friends and have the same tastes in things.goose,bird,canada,poop,swan,ducks,eggs,babies,nest,sound,board,baby
Sea Otter Sound Effects 1.0
The sea otter is a marine mammal native to thecoasts of the northern and eastern North Pacific Ocean. Adult seaotters typically weigh between 14 and 45 kg (30 to 100 lb), makingthem the heaviest members of the weasel family, but among thesmallest marine mammals. Unlike most marine mammals, the seaotter's primary form of insulation is an exceptionally thick coatof fur, the densest in the animal kingdom. Although it can walk onland, the sea otter lives mostly in the ocean. The sea otterinhabits nearshore environments where it dives to the sea floor toforage. It preys mostly upon marine invertebrates such as seaurchins, various molluscs and crustaceans, and some species offish. Its foraging and eating habits are noteworthy in severalrespects. First, its use of rocks to dislodge prey and to openshells makes it one of the few mammal species to use tools. In mostof its range, it is a keystone species, controlling sea urchinpopulations which would otherwise inflict extensive damage to kelpforest ecosystems. Its diet includes prey species that are alsovalued by humans as food, leading to conflicts between sea ottersand fisheries. Enjoy 15 sounds of this cute creature.This soundboard contains only the highest quality sound effectsone can find.  Each sound effect is recorded in the highestpossible quality sound available.  This soundboard and itssound effects are for your enjoyment and the enjoyment of yourfriends and family.  This soundboard can be used to scarefriends as well and prank those same people.  If you like thesounds effects or this soundboard be sure to let you friends know,as they will also enjoy it, since your friends and have the sametastes in things. water, ocean, fur, birds, san, francisco, beach, pier, kelp,forest, sound, fun, nature
Deer Call Hunting Sounds 1.0
Deer Calls is a deer hunters best friend.Contains 13 different deer sound clips. While your out in the wilduse Deer Calls to bring out your prey. Deer will pay attention tothese sounds and come out of the wood making them a easy target foryou.Give it a try during hunting season, you won't bedisappointedThis soundboard contains only the highest quality sound effectsone can find. Each sound effect is recorded in the highest possiblequality sound available. This soundboard and its sound effects arefor your enjoyment and the enjoyment of your friends and family.This soundboard can be used to scare friends as well and prankthose same people. If you like the sounds effects or thissoundboard be sure to let you friends know, as they will also enjoyit, since your friends and have the same tastes in things.
Buffalo Sound Effects 1.0
The American bison (Bison bison) is a NorthAmerican species of bison, also commonly known as the Americanbuffalo. Some consider the term "buffalo" somewhat of a misnomerfor this animal, as it is only distantly related to either of thetwo "true buffalo," the Asian water buffalo and the Africanbuffalo. However, "bison" is a Greek word meaning ox-like animal,while "buffalo" originated with the French fur trappers who calledthese massive beasts bœufs, meaning ox or bullock – so both names,"bison" and "buffalo," have a similar meaning. In reference to thisanimal, the term "buffalo," which dates to 1635, has a much longerhistory than the term "bison," which was first recorded in 1774.[2]The American bison is more closely related to the wisent orEuropean bison. ENjoy 15 sounds of this special creatureThis soundboard contains only the highest quality sound effectsone can find. Each sound effect is recorded in the highest possiblequality sound available. This soundboard and its sound effects arefor your enjoyment and the enjoyment of your friends and family.This soundboard can be used to scare friends as well and prankthose same people. If you like the sounds effects or thissoundboard be sure to let you friends know, as they will also enjoyit, since your friends and have the same tastes in things.bison, american, asian, water, creek, europe, farm, cattle, fur,heard, herd, animal, sound,
Hippopotamus Sound Effects 1.0
The hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius),orhippo, from the ancient Greek for "river horse" (ἱπποπόταμος), isalarge, mostly herbivorous mammal in sub-Saharan Africa, and oneofonly two extant species in the family Hippopotamidae (the otheristhe Pygmy Hippopotamus.) After the elephant, the hippotamus isthelargest land mammal and the heaviest extant artiodactyl,despitebeing considerably shorter than the giraffe.The hippopotamus is semi-aquatic, inhabiting rivers and lakeswhereterritorial bulls preside over a stretch of river and groupsof 5to 30 females and young. During the day they remain cool bystayingin the water or mud; reproduction and childbirth both occurinwater. They emerge at dusk to graze on grass. Whilehippopotamusesrest near each other in the water, grazing is asolitary activityand hippos are not territorial on land.This soundboard contains only the highest quality soundeffectsone can find. Each sound effect is recorded in the highestpossiblequality sound available. This soundboard and its soundeffects arefor your enjoyment and the enjoyment of your friends andfamily.This soundboard can be used to scare friends as well andprankthose same people. If you like the sounds effects orthissoundboard be sure to let you friends know, as they will alsoenjoyit, since your friends and have the same tastes in things.hippo,pond,africa,wild,lion,tiger,sound,sfx,Zoo,lake,WaterMonsterat Zoos
Wordster 1.0
Wordster is an action packed word gamethatwill keep your brain sizzling.The object is to unscramble/decode as many words as you can withoutrunning out of time.With two action packed game modes you will be entertained forhoursif not days.Game modesForever mode - you get 20 seconds to unscramble each word. Ifyourun out of time the game is overSpeed mode - Solve as many words as you can in 3 minutes.Features:Over 5000 common 5 letter wordsTwo action packed game modesKeep track of your best score and word countNext word indicatorThree skips each for each gamePacked with tons of family fun
Barking Dogs Sounds 1.0
Enjoy the sound of a dog barking or howlingatnight? Have a friend that is afraid of dogs? If you answered yestoany of the questions then you need to download this app.** Contains 18 different dogs sounds for your enjoyment ****** Great for kids who are afraid of dogs, allows them to getuseto the noise they make ******* Train your pet to the sounds of other dogs or use it toplaya trick on them, have them search for a dog that isn't there***This soundboard contains only the highest quality soundeffectsone can find. Each sound effect is recorded in the highestpossiblequality sound available. This soundboard and its soundeffects arefor your enjoyment and the enjoyment of your friends andfamily.This soundboard can be used to scare friends as well andprankthose same people. If you like the sounds effects orthissoundboard be sure to let you friends know, as they will alsoenjoyit, since your friends and have the same tastes in things.Puppies, pets, animal, board, trick, joke, bark, kids,children,play, mad, angry, growl, train, love, fear, Dog, dogsbarking
Rain Forest Sound Effects 1.0
Rain forests are forests characterized byhighrainfall, with definitions setting minimum normal annualrainfallbetween 1750–2000 mm (68-78 inches). The monsoontrough,alternately known as the inter-tropical convergence zone,plays asignificant role in creating Earth's tropical rain forests.A total of 40 to 75% of all species on the world's habitatsareindigenous to the rain-forests. It has been estimated thatmanymillions of species of plants, insects, and microorganismsarestill undiscovered. Tropical rain forests have been calledthe"jewels of the Earth", and the "world's largest pharmacy",becauseover one quarter of natural medicines have been discoveredthere.Rain forests are also responsible for 28% of the world'soxygenturn over, often misunderstood as oxygenproduction,processing itthrough photosynthesis from carbon dioxideand storing it as carbonthrough bio sequestration.The undergrowth in a rain forest is restricted in many areasbythe lack of sunlight at ground level. This makes it possibletowalk through the forest. If the leaf canopy is destroyedorthinned, the ground beneath is soon colonized by a dense,tangledgrowth of vines, shrubs, and small trees called a jungle.There aretwo types of rain forest, tropical rain forest andtemperate rainforest.This soundboard contains only the highest quality sound effectsonecan find. Each sound effect is recorded in the highestpossiblequality sound available.This soundboard and its sound effects are for your enjoymentandthe enjoyment of your friends and family. This soundboard canbeused to scare friends as well and prank those same people. Ifyoulike the sounds effects or this soundboard be sure to letyoufriends know, as they will also enjoy it, since your friendsandhave the same tastes in things.
The Mouse Verse Cats Game 1.0
The Mouse Verse Cats Game- Epic BattleforCheeseEasy to play but how long will you last?Avoid the Cats while collecting Cheese in this fast paceactionpacked game.Speedy power ups aid you reach the game center leader board.
Baby Talk 1.0
Baby Talk is the first App of its kindthatcontains actual baby sounds for your enjoyment. Play with yourownchild, harass someone or your friends or co works with acryingbaby, or just randomly use it and get a kick out of peoplelookingfor the baby. Pretend your a parent with a baby in your bag,all bypushing a button on Baby Talk.This soundboard contains only the highest quality soundeffectsone can find. Each sound effect is recorded in the highestpossiblequality sound available. This soundboard and its soundeffects arefor your enjoyment and the enjoyment of your friends andfamily.This soundboard can be used to scare friends as well andprankthose same people. If you like the sounds effects orthissoundboard be sure to let you friends know, as they will alsoenjoyit, since your friends and have the same tastes in things.Baby Talk contain 18 different sounds foreveryonesenjoyment.Keys: Crying, burp, button, buttons, crawling, nap,parents,children, mother, father, diaper, toy, infant, kid, sfx,soundboard, soundboardGive it a try today.